Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thanks For Donating and Happy New Year

I'm pleased to report that the Domain Bagger blog has received over 20,000 visits in 2008! It seems there is no shortage of people looking for a quality domain name for under $10. However, donations to the blog have been on the very low side (under $70 for 2008). Your donations help pay for my own domain-related expenses, and also help motivate me to produce more great available lists!

So, if you are feeling a bit of holiday cheer, and have found a domain or two to register from my lists, please consider a donation via paypal by clicking on the tip jar above the posting section on the blog's home page. And for those who have already donated - a big thank you!

If you would ever like to contact me, I can be found at Namepros.com or DnForum.com (user id : yandig at both sites). Just send me a private message at either forum. I can also be found on Twitter.com (id: DomainBagger)

Thanks again, and have a great 2009!